For compensation for injuries contact the following agency:
Crime Victim Services Commission
320 South Walnut
Lansing, MI 48913
For victim input after a felony conviction and prior to sentencing, or for restitution questions contact the following agency:
Macomb County Probation Department
32 Market Street
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
(586) 469-5330
For inmate status and post-conviction status contact the following agency:
Macomb County Sheriff Department
43565 Elizabeth Road
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
(586) 469-5151
For post-conviction status contact the following agency:
Michigan Department of Corrections
Grandview Plaza Building
PO. Box 30003
206 East Michigan Avenue
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 373-4467
(877) 886-5401 Toll Free
Witness Fees:
A witness will receive $6.00 for each half day and $12.00 for each full day that they are called in to testify. The witness will also be paid 10 cents per mile. These amounts are set by law.